Hello! Welcome to unending journey, a site dedicated to my characters in Final Fantasy XIV. As a longtime player, I spend far too much time thinking about my Warrior of Light, whether it's what goal I want to work on next or which outfit I'd like to get. This game has had a huge impact on my life, and this is my small way of showing my love for it.
As I have a main character and an alt I play very often, you'll find the most content in their sections. However, despite FFXIV being a very alt-unfriendly game, I keep making new characters anyway. So there's a bit about all the others who've popped up over the years as well.
Navigation is below. If you have any comments about the site, feel free to leave them in the guestbook. Thanks for visiting!
last updated 10 january 2025 ∗ part of redcrown.net and crystarium.net